
David Andersson

Citizen journalist, photograph and publisher, starting back in the 80’s with the Humanist Movement by publishing a neighborhood newspaper in Paris. Today, David is the coordinator of NYC bureau for Pressenza and is hosting a talk-show call Face 2 Face. The show is broadcast on Youtube and Facebook.

The ultimate weapons against the Kingdom of the Absurd

It took thousands of years for humans to understand that the Earth was not flat, even when people stood facing the moon. We have created and have been living in the Kingdom of the Absurd for a very long time.…

The White-West vs The Black-West

Amidst the turbulence of the 2024 US Presidential elections, a distinct figure emerges: Cornel West, a candidate whose campaign is anchored in human moral values, positioning him as the foremost Humanist contender. He stands apart from the political establishment, eschewing…

Responsibility and Redemption: Addressing the Palestinian Tragedy

With the ruling of 26 January 2024 of the World Court in the Hague processing the Genocide Case, the West finds itself increasingly isolated as over 80 countries have pledged their support to South Africa in bringing the case against…

The Hypocrisy of a Concerned U. S. Senate: A Closer Look at Priorities

The Senate, known for its conservative stance, today, January 31, 2024 took center stage with a moral high ground during a hearing organized by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The event, titled “Senate Judiciary Committee to Press Big Tech CEOs on…

The worst of our humanity is gathering in Washington D.C. on Jan. 31st.- Feb. 2nd.

From January 31st to February 2nd 2024, the 16th Annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit will take place in Washington, D.C. This summit brings together people and companies that profit from the development and maintenance of nuclear weapons. While they operate legally,…

Unity Over Division: Elevating Human Consciousness in 2024

It is the time of year when we have the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for the future. The dehumanization process has reached new levels in 2023. The current destruction of Palestinian society by Israel…

The Propaganda of Violence in Full Motion

We are living in what feels like a full-action reality show, jumping from conflict to conflict. News coverage is 24/7, with crises from Iraq to Ukraine and now Israel and Palestine. Some media are already working on the next conflict…

Hamas: You Are Giving Weapons to Your Enemy and Disarming Your Friends

The most important aspect of violence is not the act itself but its consequences. Dear Hamas: the bombing on Saturday makes it impossible for most of your friends to support your actions. The logic of “revenge justifies violence” only makes…

The belief in humanity’s future is a personal choice.

The discussion during our recent Humanity for Peace Coalition meeting offered very interesting and thought-out interventions, including the Ten Principles proposal by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute which is a great platform to lay out a new direction for our planet. The current crisis is going much deeper than…

Questioning the Longterm Efficacy of Wage Organizing

On May 2, 11,500 film and TV writers belonging to the Writers Guild of America went on strike. The Guild, founded in 1933, is the labor union representing thousands of writers who create TV series, film scripts, news programs, and…

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