From Friday to Saturday we will be launching the new Pressenza website. Journalism for peace and non-violence is renewing its website with a new design, reordering the sections and giving more prominence to opinion, interviews and analysis, as well as video communication.

After several months of voluntary work, our international press agency in 9 languages has been revamped with a new design. The change aims to adapt to contemporary communication needs by offering the reader more clarity, easier reading, more visible articles and recommendations on related topics.

The pages gain in cleanliness, denoting a communicative transparency, improving clarity in the order of the sections and allowing the reader to distinguish and identify more clearly what he/she is reading. Maintaining the main themes that Pressenza has developed since its beginnings and that are part of its identity, highlighting among others peace and disarmament, human rights, education, politics, health, the environment, humanism and spirituality, etc, the website is reordered not only by these same themes but also by their expository formats or genres, be they news, interviews, opinion, video or podcast. Every news item will have an entry under the title describing the most important part of it, accompanied by its image.

Cooperation with other partners will continue to be one of the essential themes of the agency, allowing us to weave a communicative mosaic where the diversity of opinion and point of view allows the reader to create their own opinion on world events.

Pressenza, as a communications agency, is involved in offering a New Journalism of the 21st Century, based on non-violence in all social and human fields.

In short, what’s new?

  • Navigation: the top drop-down menu offers a more simplified navigation.
  • Display of more content on the homepage: the homepage displays up to 80 articles in chronological order.
  • Own contributions: Pressenza’s own contributions are distinguished by a thin orange line above the cover image, which visually differentiates them from articles we publish from our media partners or organisations.
  • Featured sections: interviews, opinion pieces and videos have their own section on the homepage.
  • Related articles: at the end of each post, 3 other related articles on the same topic will be offered.
  • Donation button

A new website usually costs a lot of money. The participation of many people, who waive financial compensation, allows us to avoid these costs.

The agency has no financial interests, which is a basic condition for its independence. It relies on columnists, reporters, photographers, graphic designers, filmmakers, translators, programmers, web designers, technicians, etc. who contribute their professional work on a voluntary basis on all five continents. Until now, Pressenza has been financed exclusively by an annual fundraising campaign among contributors (every January).

Technically, media communication is becoming more and more demanding, great changes and challenges lie ahead and the costs of our media project for peace and non-violence are continuously increasing despite the voluntary work. As we want to continue to offer our contributions under creative commons 4.0 free of charge and without advertising, we have just enabled a discreet donation button and welcome both financial and active support.

Technical problems during the change

During and shortly after the changeover there may be technical problems. We ask for your understanding and patience. Our technical team will try to solve any problems or errors as soon as possible.

We will be happy to receive suggestions and feedback via