

Peace Will Come. What Can Peoples Do to Avoid a World War? 

May 19, 2024. I joined over 90 people coming from different parts of the world who got together for a dialogue, an interchange, on a dire prospect facing humanity- the threat that another world war, a third world war might…

Israel-Palestine: Mothers call for peace

We, Palestinian and Israeli women from all walks of life, are united in the human desire for a future of peace, freedom, equality, rights, and security for our children and the next generations. We believe that the majority of the…

What can we do to prevent a world war? The World Humanist Forum launches a series of virtual dialogues.

Faced with the alarming situation of violence spreading across the planet and threatening to trigger a global armed conflict, even with the use of nuclear weapons, the World Humanist Forum invites to an in-depth dialogue that will help people to…

US vs. China: Who Really Stands for Peace?

Thousands of innocent civilians are dying– men, women, children– being bombed to death as they sit in their homes. Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian men have been unwillingly drafted into the military, torn from their families, forced to kill each…

Russia ready for dialogue with Ukraine, Kremlin says

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated his readiness for dialogue with Ukraine and that an aborted 2022 peace deal could serve as a basis for resuming negotiations, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday. In a meeting with Belarusian President…

Health Day and Victims Day

9 April 2024, El Espectador On 7 April 1948, the World Health Organisation was founded, and on 9 April Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was assassinated. The 7th was established as World Health Day and the 9th was the Day of Remembrance…

The world of survivors vows not to forget

On Calle 26 in Bogotá, a corner has become a meeting place for the living and the dead, for the irreversible and the avoidable, for demonstrators and the disappeared, for denunciations, carnations and wakes. There, on the western side of…

We won’t have a chance to applaud!

A Europe with a German profile Meanwhile… how has England fared? Are the Russians… out or defeated? Conservatives and socialists The Russian threat NATO prepares for war By Gilberto Lopes “Americans in, Russians out, Germans down”. This is how Lord…

European elections 2024: a chance for peace

Imagine living a few years before the First or Second World War, knowing the grave consequences it would have had for humanity. What measures should we have taken to avoid a tragedy of such proportions? Unfortunately, we find ourselves in…

Virtual launch of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence from Colombia

The idea of a World March for Peace and Nonviolence comes from the deep need to overcome the pain and suffering of humanity by generating actions in search of growing peace. We invite all those who wish to participate, humanists,…

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