
World Beyond War

World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement to fully end the institution of war and establish a just and sustainable peace. We seek to achieve these objectives by establishing partnerships with individuals and organizations in a global campaign of education, lobbying, and nonviolent direct action.

June 15 webinar: Gaza and Ukraine to WWIII: The NATO Problem

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET This is free and open to the public. Participants all need to register on this page. What does NATO have to do with current and looming wars? How does NATO work and…

Gaza and Ukraine to WWIII: The NATO Problem

What does NATO have to do with current and looming wars? How does NATO work and what is it working on? How does an alliance whose members and partners make up 69.4% of the world’s military spending shape international relations?…

Debt Dollars – The Unused Leverage

U.S. Treasuries or War Bonds? When U.S. taxpayers protest the use of their tax dollars to continually fund wars, the assumption is only 67% correct, as of the Second Fiscal Semester 2024 [1]. By Adil Aboobakar, CFA, World BEYOND War,…

The EU Can Only Survive as a Peace Project and Not as a NATO Subsidiary

EU Leaders, Stop the Warmongering! By Florina Tufescu The most recent poll commissioned by the European Council for Foreign Relations (an influential think tank that employs numerous leading politicians, EU officials, and former NATO secretaries general) shows that 41% of…

We don’t need a “Rules-Based Order.” We need a U.S. government that obeys laws.

The Problem The Vetoes Since 1972, the U.S. government has been far and away the leading user of the veto in the UN Security Council, often blocking the will of every or nearly every other national government on Earth. It…

Women & War: World BEYOND War’s 2024 Virtual Film Festival

Join World BEYOND War for our 4th annual virtual film festival! Marking International Women’s Day (March 8), this year’s “Women & War” virtual film festival from March 9-23, 2024 explores the intersection of women, war, and militarized masculinity. Each week, we’ll…

Russia Warned Before Attacking Ukraine. Now China, Iran, and North Korea Have Warned the U.S. on Their Red Lines.

Editor’s Note: Remember that what Russia was asking for prior to the invasion was perfectly reasonable and better for everyone than anything possible now. Will the Biden Administration Listen or Will We Have More Wars — Possibly Nuclear? By Colonel (Ret)…

For Media Elites, War Criminal Henry Kissinger Was a Great Man

For U.S. mass media, Henry Kissinger’s quip that “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac” rang true. Influential reporters and pundits often expressed their love for him. The media establishment kept swooning over one of the worst war criminals in modern history.…

Close the Foreign Bases in Djibouti

Djibouti is a small East African country with an area of 23,200 square km or a little bit smaller than Haiti, Rwanda, or North Macedonia, or a little bit larger than Belize, El Salvador, Israel, or Slovenia. Within this space,…

Genocide: There’s a Law to Stop It

Several countries’ governments have accused the Israeli government of genocide and asked the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials, but that court answers to the U.S. government and has refused for years to prosecute crimes by Israel or anyone…

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