
Leopoldo Salmaso

Physician, husband, father and grandfather. Scholar of economic, financial and monetary relations between North and South. He is working with rural people of Tanzania for over thirty years. Author of "AIDS: Sindrome da Indifference Acquisita?" and "The Latin Coup: Europe saved from the crisis by mistake" also available in Italian and Spanish on Host of the radio program "Debt and Democracy". Co-editor of the manifesto "Money is Common Good", available in several languages on and on

O Dilema da Pobreza: Fome ou Malária?

Nas últimas semanas, muitas mães na Tanzânia receberam redes de mosquito feitas para proteger suas crianças da malária. Esse ritual é repetido anualmente em todo país pobre no auge da estação chuvosa, quando a malária tira a maioria das vidas…