

How Long Has Humanity Been at War With Itself?

Is large-scale intra-specific warfare Homo sapiens’ condition or can our species strive to achieve global peace? By Deborah Barsky The famous American astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “You have to know the past to understand the present.” But can we ever know the…

Why Drones are more Dangerous than Nuclear Weapons

THREATS TO INTERNATIONAL LAW AND WORLD ORDER Weaponized drones are probably the most troublesome weapon added to the arsenal of war making since the atomic bomb, and from the perspective of world order, may turn out to be even more…

Michel Chossudovsky: “with NATO from welfare al warfare”

At the international conference “NATO’s 70th Anniversary: Historical Balance? Looking for a way out of the war system, now”, held in Florence on 7 April, was attended by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, director of Global Research, the research centre on globalisation…