
Partido Humanista de Chile

Four years after the Social Outbreak, violence, robbery and manipulation, the old way of governing

Origins of the failed institutionality in Chile Chile is an “incomplete democracy” due to the authoritarian enclaves inherited from the dictatorship and not overcome by subsequent “democratic” governments. During the civil-military dictatorship, significant public companies at the national level were…

Massacred civilians, the collateral effects of a business they call war

The barbarity of death and pain of civilians The murders of civilians at the hands of armed forces, of state-of-the-art combat specialists, with their high firepower created in the military-industrial complex, are shamelessly broadcast live by the press networks of…

Health workers, yesterday applauded, today dismissed!

Mass dismissals, Chile’s payment to the health workers who saved their lives. It goes without saying that the last few years have been very difficult for the public health system in our country. In addition to the overload experienced during…

Chile, from Approval to Contra. The hope and determination of its people

Approximately a year ago, the Constitutional Convention process ended in a hard defeat when the rejection option was imposed over the approval in the exit plebiscite, allowing those who considered that the “refoundational” constitutional text was opposed to the “soul…

Human existence is in danger. The UN at the crossroads

In 2015 the UN (United Nations), whose main functions are to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights and support sustainable development and climate action, presented the 2030 Agenda approved by all member states, currently 193, which contains 17…

The eleventh in testimonies of a half-century commemoration

The political and social transition of a nation from a dictatorship to a democratic regime implies assuming the existence of a divided country that carries within itself a past that continues to be present for a large number of people,…

Chile 50 Years On: Memory, Justice and Human Rights for Reconciliation

Silencing, denying and distorting events, a practice of great disloyalty. Fake news, what we know today as Fake News, has played its part, in the 1970s and later, in a constant attempt to falsify history and memory. In certain newspapers…

Democracy, the one that doesn’t run flies in Chile upside down, 50 years of bad practices.

We are in times of recounting our history, five decades in which the call to the viveza chilensis has been manifesting itself in the ambit of power, unleashing that characteristic that homogenises the Chilean political elite and makes them sing…

War is a disaster, let’s give Peace a chance

At the end of the world pandemic period, a long period in which the populations, particularly the popular sectors, suffered all kinds of deprivations, pain and losses seemed to have come to an end in Latin American countries. This social…

Chile, and its “never again …. as far as possible”.

State neglect of eye trauma victims 2019. Re-victimisation and consequences of trauma In the face of the distressing news about the fourth suicide of eye trauma victims of the social outburst, the human rights issue is once again placed in…

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