
Mark Lesseraux

Mark Lesseraux is a singer/songwriter/socio-political columnist from Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a Humanist, a proponent and practitioner of Active Nonviolence and a student of Nonduality.

Looking back on when we had to “Earn” a Living

By the second half of this 21st century (hopefully before then) no one will be “working for a living”. In fact, in the 22nd century our great grandchildren will look back in disbelief at the whole concept of having to…

The OTHER Virus That Is About To Spread

The same basic mechanisms that were set in motion in 2008 are being set in motion again, even more strongly now in 2020, to confront the effects of the spreading of the COVID-19 virus. Namely, huge sums of capital are…

If Biden Wins the Primary, Disaster Awaits (In 5 Points)

1) Donald Trump is a bully. It’s what Donald Trump does. This is his “gift”. 2) Bernie Sanders, who is as sharp and on his game as ever, has been standing up to bullies ALL HIS LIFE. It’s what Sanders…

The New Deal, Bernie Sanders and Apple Pie

By Mark Lesseraux Did you know that FDR entered the presidency in 1932 during the Great Depression as a centrist Democrat with a mantra of, “Sorry, there just isn’t enough money to fix any of this.”? Then, a few months later…

A Spell Has Been Broken

For the lion’s share of the last half century, which is as long as I can remember (I am 51 years old), there has been an underlying “line” which, though rarely spoken about directly, was not to be crossed here…

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