In an event held this morning at the Michoacán Cultural Centre in the La Reina Commune, Humanist Action proclaimed Gabriel Boric as its presidential candidate for next November’s elections and pledged to unite their efforts in the campaign, without any conditions.

At the event, in which many members of this movement were present, the deputy Tomás Hirsch handed Boris a 12-page document with programmatic proposals for the Apruebo Dignidad project that synthesise the political ideology of Universalist Humanism. For example, the “promotion of friendly relations with the whole of the homeland, multilateralism, solidarity between peoples and the protection of migrant populations, revision of free trade agreements and halting of the TPP-11, strengthening of trade unionism, an end to the re-victimisation of women victims of violence in the judicial system”, among others.

The document ends with the following words: “The time has come for a transformative government that takes on the debts of this democracy, taking up the dreams and struggles of the generations that preceded us and for which today’s young people risk their lives every day”.

Gabriel Boric thanked saying that “Humanists have been fighting for years for their convictions. Let us never forget why we have come this far: we want to transform Chile together with the social movements from which we come and in a future government we will need all that social strength to push for the changes we need. And I’ll tell you an anecdote: Tomás Hirsch was the first presidential candidate I voted for, when I was a beardless 18-year-old law student at the University of Chile”.

Once the ceremony was over, Pressenza presented him with a dedicated copy of the book “Muros que hablan: Memoria gráfica del despertar social en Santiago de Chile” (Walls that speak: Graphic memory of the social awakening in Santiago de Chile). In the dedication we wished him that “this beautiful and powerful book will inspire you in the construction of consensus for change for a better Chile”.

Delivery of the document with humanist programmatic proposals and gift of the book “Muros que hablan” (Walls that speak).

Photo: Catalina Vidal

The event ended with the joint planting of a tree in the courtyard of the Cultural Centre, symbolising the birth of a new society.