Pressenza is officially ten years old! We are really proud of what we have achieved together in our first 10 years. This is the only international news agency with a profile of peace and nonviolence, we publish about 800 articles, videos, photo reports and podcasts every month in 8 languages, and we have more than 300 media partners on different continents.

The agency is building bridges between countries, regions, continents, organizations and individuals with its daily work, carried out by our growing team in 40 countries, all of whom are volunteers.

2018 has been a very special year.  Here are some highlights:

  • We presented our documentary on Universal Basic Income in several countries, also at the Deutsche Welle Forum in Bonn.
  • The agency was part of the organization team and co-funded the European Humanist Forum in Madrid, helping to facilitate several working groups and organising media coverage.
  • As a member of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) we also won the Nobel Peace Prize “a little bit” and celebrated the great achievement that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was approved by the UN.
  • We closely followed the Latin American march for peace and nonviolence and were pleased to announce, as official media partner, the launch of the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence.
  • We organized important events to celebrate our tenth anniversary in several countries and we will continue to do so in those places where they are still pending.
  • The largest Chinese news channel, CCTV+, offered us a reciprocal collaboration agreement and invited us to participate in the world audiovisual media forum in Chongqing, which opened up a completely new perspective and allowed us to resume the project of establishing a strong presence on the Asian continent.

These are just a few of this year’s milestones, events in which we participated or organized, and campaigns we initiated or joined. There is no doubt that Pressenza is more than a news agency and our work goes far beyond articles on peace and nonviolence.

It is a great joint collaboration with all those involved in the different aspects of this open environment project. Our model of independent funding, based only on grassroots donations from you is key!

Without being too optimistic, we can say that 2019 will even surpass the previous year and that we are in a transition to a new stage.  So many new possibilities, challenges, tasks are being presented to us and we are very excited to be able to face them.  It is therefore no great surprise that more money is also needed.  Which is good because it means getting out of our comfort zone and asking the people we trust to help us in this and to contribute to the growth of the Pressenza team, the people who support the agency.

So, once again we are announcing Pressenza’s annual fundraising, which begins on January 1st and closes on January 31st, the aim of which is to raise the funds to finance all our projects for 2019.

With what we raise, we intend to finance the legal aspects of Pressenza; the different activities programmed by the editorial teams in New York, several Italian cities, Berlin and Madrid; we will make a contribution to the Latin American Humanist Forum; we want to participate in the Deutsche Welle Forum in Bonn and the CCTV+ Forum in China; print a new book for training in humanist journalism and pay for the Zoom communication program for 2019.

We invite you to help us by making a contribution in January, with a voluntary and freely chosen amount. And, if you can, also give us a hand so that other people become aware of the opportunity to support a project as unique as this.

If you would like to help us with a contribution via Paypal then please send to the e-mail address:  Otherwise, if you’d like to send via bank transfer or even in cash, if you are in a country where we work, then please let us know via sending an e-mail to the same e-mail address.

We know that many worthy causes and organisations are running fund-raising campaigns at this time, and the global economic situation in which wealth is increasingly concentrated into fewer and fewer hands doesn’t help matters either, so we are tremendously grateful in advance for any donation, big or small, you may be able to give.

We wish you all a 2019 full of peace and nonviolence, in which the situation of everyone in the world improves for the better.

Please receive a big hug from all the Pressenza, English-speaking editors!