We all know the important of peaceful protest and how to keep it this way. People are looking for more answers: how to work the FSR (natural results of this revolution), how to work it with this peaceful stile.

The body shudders, the heart grieves, the voice chokes, the eye pours and the mind recoils at the horrors the syrian regime is committing in Homs, Syria’s third largest city, The videos, the sights, the sounds, are horrific.

Homs, Homs,, Homs, Homs, Homs, Homs, Homs, is a koan from every Syrian throat today.

Highlights from a Christmas and New Year’s address from Dr. Burhan Ghalioun, President of the Syrian National Council, to the Syrian People:
*”The syrian quest for freedom seeks the seperation of powers, legislative, judicial and executive. The free Syrian people will stand by the legal palestinnians rights. Even though carring arms for self-defence is legitimate given the regime brutality, this revoultion must stay nonviolent in its path to free Syria”*.


