In the name of God the Merciful .. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit .. peace be upon you and let God’s mercy and blessings be bestowed upon you…

We are talking to you from Syria, and I am talking to you because I am not alone who is speaking out, as my voice speaks for the millions of Syrians rebelling in order to recover the freedoms that were taken from them, talking to you from Syria that’s been raging for more than eight months, to overthrow the dictatorship in which, for the transition to the civil state of democracy, a dream all Syrians from Syria raging for more than eight months in a peaceful, honest and wonderful revolution, to retrieve the rights and freedoms and Syrian identity that was stolen and establish a civilian democracy worthy of the Syrian civilization and its history and civility alike; from Syria, the peaceful revolution that the Syrian regime has converted it to a bloody revolution from their end, from Syria, the peaceful revolution, which demands freedom first as a requirement, which was confiscated from the Syrians for more than forty years, they called out for it (freedom) today, and they got killed at the hands of the Syrian army and the Syrian security forces and the Syrian Shabeeha (mercenaries hired by the Syrian regime), in front of the eyes and ears of the Arab world and Western world; in front of the eyes and ears of the Arab League that didn’t intervene only after 8 months of harassment, torture and killing that has befallen the Syrian people.

Even after its (The Arab League) intervention, it still gives the (Syrian) regime one chance after another to kill us. Eight months, and the Syrian people is being killed in front of the eyes of the democratic Western society, the United Nations , the Security Council and Human Rights watch groups, and it didn’t intervene until the Syrian people finally have a legitimate representative entity, and it is the Syrian Transitional National Assembly, by then, whoever was killed was killed in Syria, whoever was disfigured was disfigured and whoever was tortured was tortured. Despite the presence of the Syrian Transitional National Assembly, the international community did not succeed in sending international observers or a human rights watch group or free media, and the Syrian people continue to die on the altar of freedom, while the democratic world is watching as it enjoys its parliaments, freedom of thought and expression and the press and media.
(and spreading the idea of supporting the democratic movement within the rest of the [region])
Ladies and Gentlemen, after hearing these words, I invite you to take a stand, before you recall that you’re politicians or diplomats, I invite you to stand with yourselves to see all of the degeneration of humanity and rights today and to glorify the greatness of a civilization’s stand, I ask you to take this stand with the self, to review our humanity and to review the form of global politics today that is policies based on interests… interests of the States with each other and the need for the balance of power.

What kind of balance of power is this when each proclaims their non-intervention as it’s not in their interest to intervene, even if the world ends up being rivers of blood, as long as their country remains safe and their interests are being realized? We need to review the international policy, that’s based on obscurity, mystery and the setting up of traps, which results in discord followed by hatred, then anger then the outbreaks of wars everywhere. Why don’t they intervene? why do they only intervene in cases whenever countries have vested financial interests in the conflict? Why do the people have to remain under the mantra of abuse, torture and killing sprees until this country or another achieve their desired interests, even though the country proclaims that it stands by the freedom of the people and their democratization?

The world has made great strides in the development of the different areas of knowledge and as such has advanced itself, and to a greater degree, our lives have become ever so materialistic, as we’ve become machines similar to those we manufacture. All of this comes at the expense of developing the human being from within, where the civilization of materialism has evolved, but in order to balance the universe, a civilization of spirituality needs to grow at an equivalent footing as that of the civilization of materialism, or else we will all drown in wars, famine, diseases, humiliation, looting, plunder, taking up arms, materialism and the invention of more lethal weapons.

I speak to you from Syria to tell you that it has come time for humanity to elevate itself on its own, for mankind to cease its policy of self-interest, and begin a journey of human consciousness on the path of the light.

We need to start formulating policies that befit those of sound human awareness and human intellect. We must understand that we can take what we want from each other and what we need without resorting to violence or provocation and afterwards the need to get a military intervention to and disturb civil peace, which brings ruin to us and the interests of others.

[the remaining text is edited out as it appeals to Canadians in particular]

… I call on… every human being who has a conscience to take it to the streets and call for a stop to the war… To stop the violence, and for us to be with Man wherever he is and not align ourselves with the policies of interests, while the people are subjected to the killing machine and the war, where the Syrian army is still spread across the Syrian cities in revolt with neighbourhoods cut off from each other by the military checkpoints, security forces, and the snipers who are found on rooftops. The regime continues to send reinforcements one after the other, where just yesterday twenty-one martyrs fell in Homs alone, a day after the Arab League’s deadline for the Syrian regime to agree on allowing the international observers to enter Syria… and it did not agree.

I invite you to stand by what’s righteous and by the right of the people to have a peaceful change, and to change its regimes in accordance with the necessities and developments and not according to the interests of countries of the world or according to self-interests. I invite you all to be the advocates of peace, not warmongers, and this will not be achieved unless we return to our humanity, and we have become like trees that tremble whenever a woodcutter cuts a tree, like the deer that grieve the death of a deer in the forest without seeing it, but it feels it. Our humanity will not be realized unless we start a new global policy, which is building the human being from the inside first, then unlock the code of committing murder by accepting one another, then unlock the code of war with love and exchange of knowledge, intellectuality and spirituality.

We do not want for our children to become Hamza al-Khatib again, nor Hajar El Khatib nor Ibrahim (Al Shaibani) nor Catherine Khoury nor any of the other children who were murdered by the killing machine, nor do we want to be Mashaal Tammo, who was eliminated in cold blood, and Ghias Matar and Ibrahim Alqachoc who had their vocal cords uprooted because they called out for freedom and peaceful protests, nor for our fingers to be broken just as what happened to the artist, Ali Farzat. We want to live free and sing freedom and to build equal and transparent relations with all countries of the world, peaceful, loving relations and to build humanity and new knowledge.

Fadwa Soliman, an actress, speaking from inside Syria

[editors note: on reading these passages we need to pause and consider what kind of intervention is appropriate. Certainly not that imposed on Libya which resulted in such devastation. It’s not military intervention. For a truly revolutionary answer to the call of Fadwa Soliman and all of her mind set, better appeal to the methodology of active nonviolence as declared in the final paragraphs of the Humanist Document, on Human Action Fronts:

*“With the intention of becoming a broad-based social movement, the vital force of humanism is organizing action fronts in the workplace, neighborhoods, unions, and among social action, political, environmental, and cultural organizations. Such collective action makes it possible for varied progressive forces, groups, and individuals to have greater presence and influence, without losing their own identities or special characteristics. The objective of this movement is to promote a union of forces increasingly able to influence broad strata of the population, orienting the current social transformation.”*

After all, this is precisely what is taking place in recent times around the world where different social movements have sprung up and surprised analysts and opinion formers who had been suggesting the end of history. These social expressions, varied in their causes and demands in countries as diverse as Tunisia, Egypt, Iceland, India, Spain, Chile and the USA, have in common that their protagonists have been the new generations. So, not to look to the past for answers but to be open to the entirely new, in accord with this emerging sensibility shown by such divergent yet coinciding activities.]