The Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs said in a statement on
Thursday that Israel is trying to take revenge after carrying out the swap deal by escalating its procedures against the prisoners and practicing an aggressive policy targets to harass them and loot their simplest rights.

The statement also referred to the critical and poor conditions which
the prisoners in Aishel prison are living in, especially after the Israeli prisons administration broke into the prisoners’ rooms and attacked them with tear gas grenades and clubs, which resulted many injuries and cases of suffocation.

In addition to all of these assaults against the detainees, The prison’s
administration has banned the prisoners’ lawyers and families from visiting

“Aishel prison’s administration has closed all the sections in the prison.

And has begun a wide inspection operations. Besides it confiscated most of the prisoners’ possessions “. Essam Al-Frokh, the prisoners’ representative, said.

Al-Frokh added that the prison’s administration has deprived the
prisoners of their family and lawyers visits, besides depriving them from
electricity, water and cafeteria.

Zyad Shabana _A prisoner in Nafha Prison_ said, “The prison’s
administration has increased its offensive practices against the detainees in Nafha Prison through the sudden inspections and the harsh attacks which aims to break their steadfastness.

He added that 3 prisoners have been injured after attacking them with
tear gas and clubs, and be put into solitary confinements with 3 others.

Mwaffaq Hmaid _ Head of the prisoners and ex-detainees (Hussam)
_ confirmed that this new Israeli severe escalation against the Palestinian
prisoners has a come as a result of completing the swap deal. He said that the prisoners have lost their structure temporarily after releasing 1,027 prisoners as those released prisoners were the basis of this structure. Thus, Israel is trying to use this defect in the prisoners’ structure to escalate its procedures and impose an offensive policy against them.

Hmaid called the prisoners not to give Israel the justifications to attack
and escalate its violations against them. He also called the human rights
organizations to shed their efforts in order to stop these violations and these offensive against the prisoners.

It is worth to mention that Israel has taken some revengeful procedures
against a group of Palestinian prisoners as a reaction to the open hunger- strike that this group has begun before three months as a protest against the daily Israeli practices.

Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons lack suitable food, toilet facilities and hot water for bathing. Prisoners held in solitary confinements have been prevented from bathing, resulting in the appearance of sores and skin disease for many of them.