**Who are we?**

We are people who have come voluntarily and of our own free will. After the demonstration we decided to get together to continue demanding dignity, as well as a political and social conscience.

We do not represent any political party or association.

What joins us is a calling for change. We are here for dignity, and for solidarity with those who cannot be here.

**Why are we here?**

We’re here because we want a new society which gives priority to life over political and economic interests. We are promoting a change in society, and for a social conscience.

We’re here to show that society hasn’t fallen asleep. We’re going to continue fighting, non-violently, for what we deserve.

We support our fellow activists who were arrested after the demonstration, and we ask for them to be freed without charges.

We want all this, we want it now, and if you’re with us, JOIN US!

It is better to take a risk and lose, than to lose because you didn’t take a risk.

*Translated from Spanish by Meghan Storey*


Twitter: @acampadasol #acampadasol #spanishrevolution #nonosvamos

Web: www.tomalaplaza.net

Facebook: Spanish Revolution.

VIDEO de la Asamblea de la mañana 19/05