This expansion goes beyond personal affinities; it is deeper than that.

We are witnessing the force of a generation becoming aware, with a new sensitivity and other values.

We saw a global phenomenon of a generation in ’68, which also stemmed from Arabic countries and was expressed in America and Europe months later in what many called *“May ‘68”*. It seemed to be an introduction to this generation, although in reality it went no further than expressing what they didn’t like and rejecting what they had. *“Guerrillaism”* and *“hippyness”* were the best known social expressions, which later gave way to *“yuppies”*, which many of the leaders ended up as. But what we are seeing now goes beyond slogans like *“imagination is power”*, used for publicity, but not very well defined.

It’s difficult to see the attributes of something which is developing, which needs air, space, time and nourishment. It takes up something which resulted from the generation of 68’ as its global mission, the promotion of women and Movements which strongly promote non-violence, like Silo’s movement.

This historically non-violent movement, which began with Gandhi and Luther King, gives us an indication that this is not simply a generation which clashes with those in power. The generational debate seemed to stop in the 80s with Reagan, when young people from all over the world aspired to be business people and economists, giving way to the current fiascos.

The Non-violence methodology indicates that this phenomenon wants to go further, as Tolstoy indicated. What we are seeing in the Puerta del Sol, the Plaza de Catalunya and in many Spanish cities is this type of feeling.

The assemblies are not raucous nor do they merely complain, they are widely deliberative, silently waving their hands in the air like antenna, checking the reception of their proposals.

They are sensitive, not dialectical, soft but defined and effective, gaining their strength from there. They are inclusive, with equality between men and women, and are not organised around obvious leaders, but people with shared styles and aspirations take turns.

Once the initial enthusiasm is over and obstacles increase, it will not weaken, but strengthen. This is an opportunity to avoid those who toast the past. Meetings are scheduled for Saturday in the local squares…They are the first bubbles, they indicate that something is cooking, it smells good.
Something is beginning and it needs air, space, time and nourishment.

*Translated from Spanish by Kirsty Cumming*