The most important points that have been incorporated for its consideration in the next round of negotiation before Cancun, that will take place in China, are:

· 50 % reduction of greenhouse gasses emission by developed countries for second period of commitments from the Kyoto Protocol years 2013 to 2017.

· Stabilize the rise of temperature to 1 C and 300 parts for million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

· To guarantee an equitable distribution of atmospheric space, taking into account the climate debt of emissions by developed countries for developing countries.

· Full respect for the Human Rights and the inherent rights of indigenous peoples, women, children and migrants.

· Full recognition to the United Nations Declaration on of Indigenous Peoples Rights.

· Recognition and defense of the rights of Mother Earth to ensure harmony with nature.

· Guarantee the fulfillment of the commitments from the developed countries though the building of an International Court of Climate Justice.

· Rejection to the new mechanisms of carbon markets that transfer the responsibility of the reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases from developed countries to developing countries.

· Promotion of measures that change the consumption patterns of the developed countries.

· Adoption of necessary measures in all relevant forums to be excluded from the protection of the intellectual property rights to technologies and ecologically sustainable useful to mitigate climate change.

· Developed countries will allocate 6% of their national gross product to actions relatives to Climate Change.

· Integrated management of forest, to mitigation and adaptation, without market mechanics and ensuring the full participation of indigenous peoples and local communities.

· Prohibition the conversion of natural forest for plantations, since the monoculture plantations are not forest, instead should encourage the protection and conservation of natural forests.