The spokesman for the World March for Peace, Rafael de la Rubia, has issued a press release concerning the International Day of Human Rights. The press release reads as follows: “The World March for Peace and Nonviolence would like to celebrate the *Universal Declaration of Human Rights* from here in El Salvador, today, December 10th. The Declaration was issued on this day in December 1948, after fratricidal wars and violations of freedoms, which were consequences of the Second World War.”

“Our March, which began on October 2nd, 2009 in Wellington, New Zealand and which will finish on January 2nd, 2010 in Punta de Vacas, Argentina, aspires to bring awareness to citizens together with political and religious leaders with respect to the eradication of all types of violence, be it physical, cultural, religious, racial, gender, generational, or psychological. In addition, the March wants to bring to light any deprivation of rights which affects humanity in the 21st century, especially the injustice and inequality which is caused by the inequitable distribution of wealth.”

“We are convinced that together, we can build a world of fairness and justice. We propose that the *“right to peace”* be included in the Declaration of Human Rights.”

*(Translation: Meghan Storey)*