Hiroshima and Nagasaki proposed as sites of 2020 Olympic Games
“The Olympic Games symbolize the eradication of nuclear arms and world peace”, stated Tadatoshi Akiba, mayor of Hiroshima. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is investigating the potential candidacies for the 2020 Olympic Games of the two Japanese cities that suffered nuclear attacks in 1945 and left approximately 220,000 dead.
Bangladeshi students welcome the World March for Peace
Members of the base team marched alongside Bangladeshis in Dhaka. The event was organized within the framework of the University of the Capital by the association “World without Wars” and other members of the humanist movement. To mark the occasion, a press conference was held attended by some twenty journalists and numerous spectators.
Obama´s Nobel Peace Award and International reactions
US President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his “extraordinary” diplomatic efforts on the international stage. The President said he was “both surprised and humbled” by the Nobel Committee’s decision. The decision is seen as an encouregement towards peace efforts in his nine months office.
Days for Peace and Non-Violence in Holit kibbutz
A few kilometers from the Gaza Strip, Peace and Non-Violence Days were organized in cooperation with the socialist kibbutz movement Hashomer Hatzair and members of the World March for Peace. Jayme Fucs Bar declared: “We want to live in peace, Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Muslims, without hatred, we want to watch our children grow up without violence and with a future…”
Manila Turns out for Peace
In front of the monument dedicated to the great Philippine national hero, pacifist José Rizal, Mayor Alfredo S. Lim declared Manila’s support for peace and non-violence and symbolically offered the keys to the city to Rafael de la Rubia, president of World Without Wars, organizer of the three-month-long march for peace that will circle the world.
The Obelisk of Buenos Aires gets covered with World March
On Wednesday, October 7th, activists from the Humanist Movement entered the Obelisk, a national historic site located in downtown Buenos Aires, where they hung an orange banner almost 50 meters long with the logo of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, accompanied by orange pennants. The non-violent direct action was widely reported in local newspapers.
Palestine: Bethlehem government endorses World March
Rana Al-Arja and Lubna Bandak from Holy Land Trust and Patricia Arriagada from Chilean organization The Community for Human Development met with Bethlehem Governor Mr. Abed Al Fattah Hamayel in order to invite him to join the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. He wholeheartedly welcomed the idea and confirmed his participation during the March.
The superpowers: largest arms exporters
A report produced by the humanitarian organizations Amnesty International, Oxfam, Greenpeace and Fundació per la Pau (Foundation for Peace) reveals that Spain is currently the sixth largest arms exporter, after the United States, Russia, Germany, France and England. According to the report, in 2008 Spain made 934 million Euros worth of defense material transactions.
Gaza childrens artwork exhibition at Liverpool Cathedral UK
Gaza children’s artwork, is an exhibition of paintings and drawings done by children in Gaza following the Israeli 22 day assault earlier this year. As a result, over 300 children were killed, many more injured, 1,400 children orphaned of at least one parent, 30 percent of children suffer serious mental health problems and all the children are traumatised.
Non-violent response to U.S. sponsored wars of aggression
People the world over must find non-violent ways to oppose American military force lest they suffer the fate of the Vietnamese and the Iraqis. In response to the menace of the U.S. military-industrial complex, non-violent soul force needs to be considered in international conflicts just as it was used by Mahatma Gandhi in India and by the Reverend Martin Luther King in the U.S.