

UN Human Rights Committee Review of Turkey

The collective efforts of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) organizations in Turkey paid off and the UN (United Nations) Human Rights Committee issued its concluding observation on Turkey, covering discrimination against LGBT people. The reports are a compliance review of…

From Marriage Equality to Legalizing Marijuana, Election Day Ballot Measures Won by Movements

While much attention was fixed on the presidential race, the 2012 election also saw voters decide on a series of landmark ballot initiatives at the state level. Advocates of marriage equality ended Tuesday with four out of four victories, as…

Egypt’s Women Rebel Against Harassment

We reproduce here an article by Mel Frykberg for IPS. Photograph: Tahrir Square, the cradle of Egypt’s revoltution, has become also a place for harassment of women. Credit: Khaled Moussa al-Omrani/IPS. CAIRO, Nov 1 2012 (IPS) – Egyptian bullies who…

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