

18yo UK teenage girl becomes 1st to be prosecuted for…fighting AGAINST Islamic State

A British 18-year-old girl has become the first person to be convicted for attempting to join the campaign against ISIS in Syria. She is set to spend 21 months behind bars. Silhan Özçelik from north London fled her home and…

‘Paris, Beirut Terror Attacks Must Not Be Pretext for Slamming Shut Doors to Refugees’

The United Nations General Assembly met today on tackling the global refugee crisis in the shadow of last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, with top officials pleading that the door for genuine refuge not be slammed shut in…

Paris, the Refugees and Europe

The focus on terrorism is obscuring the issues of refugees, and it is important to consider its impact on Europe, after the shock of Paris. Of course, the impact of terrorism in the daily life of ordinary citizens is going…

Ending the Era of Wars

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service 15th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates – Barcelona, 13-15 November 2015 I would like to thank the Major of Barcelona, Ada Colau I Ballano, the Permanent Secretariat of the World…

Military intervention is the problem, not the solution

The Islamic State’s latest atrocities are a calculated effort to bring the war in Syria home to the countries participating in it. by Peter Certo for Common Dreams A café. A stadium. A concert hall. One of the most horrifying…

Paris Attacks: Violence is the problem, never the solution

The terrorist attack that took place on November 13th in Paris is another act of violence against civilians, another act of violence against all Humanity. It clearly shows that anyone and in any place in the world can become the…

David Cameron hasn’t the faintest idea how deep his cuts go. This letter proves it

By George Monbiot for The Guardian. It’s like the crucial moment in Graham Greene’s novel The Quiet American. The US agent stares at the blood on his shoes, unable to make the connection between the explosion he commissioned and the…

الرد الإنساني ضد العنف

Arabic text of the campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence: بعد الإعتداءات الإرهابية التي عانتها مدينة باريس الليلة السابقة وَأمام التدابير التي تعتزم أخذها حكومة فرنسا و الحكومات الأوربية و حكومات الحلف الأطلسي،نُشرت اليوم رسالة في جميع…

When changing a profile picture on Facebook is not enough…

Today the Western world is reeling from the events in Paris where dozens of human beings died and hundreds have been injured. The horror of mass killings has once more hit Europe and Western media has provided 24 hour coverage,…


Japanese version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence オンラインでの平和と非暴力を呼びかけるキャンペーン 昨晩のパリでのテロ攻撃、それに対してのフランス、その他のヨーロッパ諸国、NATOの対応を前に、平和と非暴力を基とする対処を求める呼びかけが、今日始められた。 ヨーロッパ諸国、また世界の多くの人々はテロ行為、そしてそれ以前に各国の政府が生み出した暴力的行為を正当化しない。しかし特定の宗教の名の下に、何千もの人々が狂信者となり、自爆テロや殺人に至った数々の理由がある。 多くの人々はこの暴力の渦に巻き込まれることを望まず、平和と非暴力を って冷静に対応することの呼びかけに動き出し。 以下、これが我々の声明文であり、これを他に伝えたい。 平和に生きることを求む。どこで始まったかに関わらず、暴力を拒む。復讐を拒む。そして和解を求む。 人々の自由を求む!領土の占領を拒む。NATOに反対する。 人類みな兄弟として生きたい!狂信主義を拒む。どんな派閥であれ、復讐を拒む。 全人類の尊厳を求む。この日常化し、絶え間なく暴力化した制度を拒む。 世界中を暴力のない平和の民に! 拡散してください。 ここに、フランス、ヨーロッパ諸国、そして ー 私欲のために限りなく暴力を駆使する貪欲な少数の者たちに「ハイジャック」された全世界の人々、彼らの将来を開くであろう唯一可能な手段である、このキャンペーンに賛同します。 平和と非暴力のために! 拡散してください

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