
Press Releases

Uniting in Peace

World’s first six-continent Peace March kicks off 93 days of global activities with October 2nd events in cities around the US.
Cities from San Francisco to New York will celebrate in their own way, from participating in peace walks to forming a human peace symbol calling for the elimination of wars, nuclear weapons and violence of all kinds.

The Moriori People pass a “peace baton” to World March spokesperson, Rafael de la Rubia.

On the 29th of September, the Moriori People celebrated the arrival of World March participants. On the island famous for its rainbows, the hosts were happy that the March for Peace, itself symbolised by the colours of the rainbow which has one end on the most eastern point on earth, and the other end in the west in Argentina.

International Solidarity Network for the Mapuche Nation

A number of testimonies of the situation suffered by the Mapuche nation in Chile were put forward at the 12th period of sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and Danielle Mitterrand, who was in Chile in April as part of a mission for the “France Libertés” Association, of which she is president, spoke out on the nation’s behalf.

Marching Towards Peace with Nobel Laureates and Umberto Veronesi

Last Wednesday, in Rome, Umberto Veronesi and Luisa Morgantini took part in the presentation of the World March for Peace and Non-violence which will reach the Italian capital on November 12th. A delegation will take part in the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates the previous day in Berlin. Silo has been invited to speak.

Harold Mayne Nicholls and Chilean Football are Committed to Promoting Football Without Violence

The National Professional Football Association, (ANFP), represented by Harold Mayne Nicholls, has signed an agreement with the World Without Wars and Violence Organization, committing itself to disseminating, through the football matches associated with the second phase of the National Championships, the international activity of the World March for Peace and Non-violence.

Booklets to help the younger visualizing the world military expenditure

If the world military expenditure were distributed between all the people living at this moment on the planet, each one would receive US$146,40.
Theses numbers will probably attract youngers’ attention but they are not less shocking for adults. Figures as such can be found at the educational booklets created by Margaux Verdier and Henry de Boisseguin, for Montreal students.

Camp Casey Under Sail for Sheehans’s Shipboard Peace Summit

Peace proponent Cindy Sheehan calls all peace leaders to come sail with her aboard ‘SS Camp Casey’ anchored in Martha’s Vineyard for a shipboard peace summit from August 27 to 29. Cindy, who is sometimes referred to by the media as “the peace mom” lost her son Casey in the Iraq War when he was killed in action on April 4, 2004.

First Steps and Preparations for the Participants of the World March

Altogether 18 participants of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence met in Vieste, Southern Italy, to receive all of the information necessary for the challenge which awaits them for three months around the world.
The members of the team committed themselves to exhibit flexibility, tolerance, humility, and an open heart in order to incarnate the spirit of this initiative.

Filmakers from all continents join to document peace accross the world

A formidable group of professional film makers from all continents have resolved to document peace extending throughout all latitudes of the world. With their own scripts, these filmmakers following the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will develop, in the last quarter of this year, a documentary of the World March to be presented in the international festivals.

Building a dialogue between Zelaya and Micheletti

On Thursday morning the process will start to build a platform for dialogue between Zelaya and Micheletti at the home of Costa Rica President, Oscar Arias Sanchez.

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