

The Answer to the Latest Greedy War Spending Should Not Be Greed

I know I should consider myself lucky to have located anybody at all in the United States who opposes the latest $40 billion “for Ukraine.” But from both the right and the left, those who oppose it almost universally express…

Another Armistice Day With No Trump Weapons Parade

By David Swanson November 11, 2019, is Armistice Day 101 (or 102 if you want to be all mathematically accurate and elitist about it). Anyway, it’s been over a century now since World War I was ended at a scheduled…

Is there still hope for peace in Ukraine?

Berlin 1961 (photomontage – NoWar-Roma) The Ukrainian government, like Israel in Gaza, relentlessly goes on bombing residential areas in the eastern regions “to kill the terrorists hiding out there” (but also the civilians living there). The separatists, called “terrorists”, are…