

Boric’s victory from a humanist point of view

Almost two months have passed since Gabriel Boric’s victory in the second round, an electoral victory that caused an impact not only in Chile but also internationally. Such impact came from different perspectives, from the geopolitical perspective announcing the failure…

Chile, The Revolution of The Indignados

In 1960 Chile was shaken by the largest earthquake ever recorded before. Its magnitude was 9.6 degrees on the Richter logarithmic scale, which has a maximum of 10. On October 18, 2019, Chilean society exploded as it had never done,…

The Forms of Power

In a result predicted by nobody, Trump won. The polls were wrong, as has become commonplace over the last five years, and the “most powerful nation on Earth” will now be governed by a multimillionaire, populist xenophobe – and all…

Vicente Rubio on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, singer and guitarist, Mark Lesseraux and continues with Vicente Rubio to discuss Spain’s new political landscape with Podemos and the political structures emerging form the Indignados/M15 movement.

Wave of Action – next wave of non-violent protest

From 4th of April to 4th of July, Occupy activists, Indignados and other protest camp people will star a decentralized wave of action – a movement of the movement. The following is written by Jackiews. The modern paradigm may still…

Thesis for a new paradigm arising from emerging movements

A collaborative effort between people of the 15M, OWS, Occupy, Indignados, and YoSoy 132 movements. These notes are an attempt to summarise some of the common points between what are known as emerging movements, that is, the various social movements…

In Spain, doctors resist by healing

Some of Spain’s hospitals and clinics have recently begun offering a new kind of public service. In an effort to defend the threatened health care system, thousands of doctors and their supporters have chosen to add civil disobedience to their…