
Rédaction France

News published by the Pressenza bureau in France

Conference in Paris on the pilot plan for universal basic income in Catalonia: What impact will its implementation have on mental health?

Mental health is the foundation of individual wellbeing and the basis of a well-functioning society. This state evolves according to both personal and external factors, the socio-economic context and even climate change. The quality of urban (and rural) life therefore…

Our Disobedience Is a Mission for Peace

At the end of January, we will depart for Russia. By Defying Sanctions Upon arrival, Davide Tutino and Giuseppe Mastruzzo will engage in the exchange of European products for local ones, openly defying commercial sanctions. For this act, they risk…

The urgent need to share

Some friends and I are organizing a photography exhibition entitled “Sharing will save the world“. I’ve noticed that it’s attracting continuously more interested people. This shows that women, children, and men are becoming sensitive to the idea of sharing and…

Of Civil Disobedience

This is a citizen’s right. A right of defiance, of distrust towards a State and its institutions when we are convinced that our rights are being violated By Makhtar DIOUF | SENEPLUS.COM Civil disobedience, carried out by an individual or…

The battle for time to live

Neither Léon Blum, François Mitterrand nor Lionel Jospin were extremist revolutionaries. On the contrary, they were among the leaders of French and European social democracy. However… they kept their word when it came to fighting for time to live… In…

As nonviolence is non-negotiable we must have tough conversations

The commitment to nonviolence in climate activism and deep adaptation is a central principle and we must criticise anyone who suggests otherwise. The risks of tolerating any deviation from this principle are too great & therefore we have no choice…

Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation

Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale write: A lot of nonsense about Afghanistan is being written in Britain and the United States. Most of this nonsense hides a number of important truths. First, the Taliban have defeated the United States. Second, the Taliban have…

« Interview with Edwy Plenel on: freedom of the press, journalism and the Yellow Vests »

Mediapart is an independent French online investigative and opinion journal created in 2008 by Edwy Plenel, former Editor-in-chief of Le Monde. Mediapart is published in French, English and Spanish. (Wikipedia) Pressenza: Today, what do you think of the freedom of…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [2/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. We have chosen to publish this article in two parts to simplify your reading.  The first was to recall the meaning of the word democracy and explain the root causes of the Yellow Vests…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [1/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. The Yellow Vests movement is growing more and more. A few days before a fourth major day of demonstrations, scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 2018, actions are multiplying all over France: roadblocks, blockades of…

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