On March 4, 2016 a large majority of Danish political parties agreed to send F16s and special forces to Syria.

The decision is likely to soon be confirmed by the Danish parliament.

It’s important that intellectuals criticise the policies of their native country and not only and politically correctly criticise that of others.

I’m a Danish citizen and in the case of Danish foreign and security policy it is fairly easy to do so provided you are supported neither by government nor corporate money – and the beauty of TFF is that it isn’t and will never be.

We like freedom of expression.

Here is my take on the delusional character of Denmark’s fateful decision, why it is taken, why – tragically – it solidifies Denmark’s in the role as rogue state and what it’s – exclusively negative – consequences are likely to be.

People are entitled to know that there is indeed something rotten in the State of Denmark.

And so, like all other PressInfos, this one flies into the inbox of 350 media people in Denmark, 4000 media and news bureaus around the world and several thousands of other recipient interested in international affairs.

Here is the link – TFF PressInfo 365.

TFF provides research and public education related to the basic UN Charter norm that “peace shall be established by peaceful means”.

We are always happy to hear from you or try to answer your questions.

Jan Oberg, TFF director, dr. hc.