After the two World Wars of the 20th Century, the humanitarian and economic situation in the Middle East and North Africa, the former colonies of the West, became far worse than that that of the entire northern Eurasia, especially Europe. And after 1991, in other words, after USSR’s defeat in the Cold War, the ranks of economically depressed countries were joined by the entire Eastern Europe which was sustained by the USSR at the expense of its own citizens’ welfare.Such processes always cause people mass migration from their traditional habitats. Not surprising and not unexpected …But due to some reasons of common knowledge the problem has resumed with renewed vigor today and we name it, – the immigration crisis. Indeed, current situation is in the zone between the acute state of crisis and, simply, the war.The most of illegal immigrants are in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece. Nonetheless, the number of illegal immigrants has gone sky-high in the all of North Europe over the last years. Only in the first half of 2015 over 135,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe, according to the UNHCR report. This number increased for more than 80 per cent over the same period in 2014. The report said many more people had tried to make the crossing from Africa but did not make it. In May, more than 800 people died when a crowded migrant boat capsized off Libya. Between January and March, 479 refugees and migrants drowned or went missing, the report said, as opposed to 15 in the same three months of 2014. In April, the deadliest month, an “unprecedented” 1,308 migrants and refugees died or went missing, compared to 42 in the previous year. European countries don’t have an economic capacity and a political will to accept all migrants. On August 11, Greek police used pepper spray, fire extinguishers and batons in order to stem the chaos which has broken out at a football stadium on the island of of Kos where more than 1,000 migrants had been locked in without shelter, food or toilets – while they were waiting to be registered. Meanwhile, European Union foreign and defense ministers have agreed on plans to form a naval force to tackle people-traffickers who send boats filled with desperate migrants from Libya to mainland Europe. EU plans to “identify, capture and destroy” potential people-trafficking boats before they can be loaded with people fleeing from conflict in Africa. The naval operation will involve gathering intelligence on smugglers; locating and inspecting boats; and destroying the vessels.In fact, people are getting the impression that EU authority is preparing for a new global war, – the war on immigrants.

While by no means a new phenomenon, the number of sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern migrants traveling across the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe – along with the associated death toll-is unprecedented in scale. The ongoing wave of immigration followed the so-called ‘revolutionary struggles’ of the media-named Arab Spring, when Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey with support of the US attempted to redraw a map of the Middle East conducting a bloody chaos and arise of terrorism in the region. Since this moment, Europe has become filled out with refugees from the war-torn territories. While various maritime migration routes are used, most of Migrants arrived to France from the Northern Africa and Algeria by the way of Libya and Tunisia. This is the Central Mediterranean route and it is the most heavily trafficked and the deadliest maritime migration route in the world. Record numbers of migrants are not only traveling the Central Mediterranean route, but are also arriving to Germany, Austria and countries of the Central and Northern Europe using the Eastern Mediterranean route that passes through the Aegean Sea from Turkey. Other substantial ways of migration are: an air track from Asia and Arabian Countries to the United Kingdom and Northern Europe , the flow from NATO-humbled Balkans to the European Union and the way from former USSR to the European Union. The complexity of these migration flows is challenging current frameworks, and Europe is struggling to develop a comprehensive architecture that balances efforts to assist persons in need with efforts to secure its borders. Furthermore, this situation highly cuts the proportion of labor migrants and rises the number of refugees and anti-social elements. It has been conducting a growth and strengthening of the ethnical criminality. One must consider the various motivating factors behind immigration: the earlier ones, before the outbreak of the bloody conflicts to the South and East of the EU, and now, when people are forced to save their lives by running where there is still peace. 10-20 years ago the migrants to Europe were predominantly looking for work in order to earn money for their families or were driven by their personal ambitions which could be realized in Europe. However, in the last two-three years the new arrivals in the EU are angry individuals who have lost everything or almost everything due to the horror of war. Many of them have lost their families. And what do you think? Whom do they consider responsible for that?