By Godi Gutierrez

A revolution that doesn’t have the human being as its main focus and concern, and is not totalizing in scope is just another lost opportunity. All these so-called revolutions are merely historical anecdotes, and are just postponing the real one.

They are good – in and of themselves – but we cannot believe that they will transform the world.

It is like donating money or volunteering to feed the hungry, which is a worthy cause. The hungry gets to eat, and people feel good for doing their part. But, it does not, and will not end poverty and hunger in the world.

I’m not saying that people should stop doing these things, and I’m not saying that these actions are bad; in reality, they are good and worthwhile endeavours. But, in the end, they do not transform anything.

It is the same with politics. You can support this candidate, or that party – because, they are less evil, or because you like their slogans; but, in the end, the results are the same, and the system is again given a life extension of another thousand years.

Every time we participate in the games of the system, we postpone the real change, the real transformation. If we play their game, they win – and by extension – we lose.

So, when will the system fall?

It will fall and collapse from within – only if and when we stop participating and playing their game.

What the world needs now are not baby steps, but one big giant leap.

What the world needs is a totalizing revolution, a revolution that is social, cultural, and psychic. It needs real transformation, not reformation. It means not only external transformation, but also, as important, internal transformation.

External transformation means a total collapse of the system and its concomitant transformation.

Internal transformation means that each of us have rid ourselves of our internal frustrations, contradictions, revenge and violence; it means that we are reconciled with our past, and have active nonviolence integrated as our daily mode of action.

A world transformed means a new human civilization where nonviolence and compassion prevails.