“Over the year we have conducted various awareness programmes, such as the ones we did on the AIDS problem,” says Senthil Kumar, one of the core members of the humanist group that has been involved in this humanitarian venture since start-up. “Also, to bring about an awareness on the emotional subject of cancer and what can be done about it today. This brought us to highlight the urgency of public hygienic. On another level, we have been conducting programmes on human rights among the discriminated against Dalit community. As part of those programmes we spoke about the need for the protection of children and child labour. We have special courses for women to bring about an enlivened sense of their proper place in the society – not as second class citizens.”

Workshop and seminars have also been held for scavengers and grave diggers, who are mostly in the same category, in an effort to bring some dignity into their difficult lives. The environment was not overlooked with special seminars held in the different regions to inform the rural society about pollution and its wide ranging effects, besides home hygiene, with special emphasis on child care and women’s role in general affairs.

“Apart from these foregoing programmes we have also conducted medical camps in rural areas,” continued Senthil Kumar. “At these medical camps particular regard is given to eye problems, to pregnant mothers, and to old aged people. Children were not overlooked and appropriate workshops have been conducted successfully for the young ones as well.”

Moving further on in the offering of such public services, an orphanage for the unfortunate abandoned children of Madurai is under establishment. The children in such dire need for care and protection number in the hundreds, homeless and without schooling. The figures include those children who have dropped out of school due to financial impossibilities.

“We now have 62 children who are school dropouts. Hence, we are in process of opening an orphanage that will provide proper food, shelter and clothing for the homeless children. Our members involved in home maintenance are committed volunteers who have a strong educational background and total commitment to public service. All we want is to give the young ones an education that will help them become valuable citizens of the world,” he ended.

senthil kumar